Tag: teachmeet
Children share their learning at KidsMeet
A meeting of young technology enthusiasts at the Wayra startup accelerator.
TeachMeet Twist: London, 29th November
A TeachMeet, with a twist.
Making myself redundant
Handing things over…
Live blogging: From school hall to the House of Lords
12 months of live blogging; why it matters to me.
TeachMeet Plymouth: Buzzing about behaviour
The excitement of a student organised TeachMeet
TeachMeet Midlands- Stories from Foundation to Higher #tmm11
Attending the first TeachMeet Midands in 2009 through a flashmeeting was my first experience of TeachMeet events, and I came away inspired with ideas and enthused by the ethos of sharing exciting practice
“Poke the box”: Questioning Questioning
Teachers ask up to 400 questions a day– I think we need to question this questioning to make sure it counts. In this video re-recorded from my presentation at TeachMeet Brum I discuss using Seth Godin‘s notion of ‘Poke the box‘ to influence classroom questioning. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgT-ClPWja4]
TeachMeet Brum #tmbrum
This evening saw teachers and educational tweeters descend on Paganel Primary School at the invitation of Steve Philps for TeachMeet Brum. As ever, there were a range of presentations from demonstrations of exciting tools for the classroom, to sharing of successful projects with learners of many ages. I was live blogging and live streaming the…
TeachMeet: Midlands: Inspiring practice and live blogging #tmm11
Reflections and live blogs from #tmm11