Category: Research in Education
Taking conferences online during the pandemic
Reflections on what we learned from pivoting a face to face conference online during the pandemic.
Annual Review for the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Publishing 2016’s achievements
Digital learning technology: Gaps in the discourse
An analysis of the difference between research advocates & digital enthusiasts.
Flipped Learning research published
Details on the research I’ve been working on for the last 18 months into online video for learning.
Digital technology in schools: decoding learning and moving away from the ‘islands of excellence’
A guest blog post for NAHT Edge
What place for research in primary schools? #ResearchEd Primary London
Teachers & researchers on the place of research for Primary schools
‘The Visible Classroom’ EdTech for CPD evaluation published
Using real time speech to text transcription for professional development.
All measures are made up #28daysofwriting
Some thoughts on what we measure, how and how we learn to do so.
Two types of ‘What Works’
Thoughts from recruiting schools to an RCT.
The Visible Classroom update
An update on one of my experiments.