What place for research in primary schools? #ResearchEd Primary London

Girl looking through microscopeThere is a growing movement, it seems, of teachers and school leaders digging into approaches to education and seeking robust evidence of what really works.

Last week saw teachers, researchers and those of us interested in research in schools get together at London Connected Learning Centre in Clapham to look at the role of research in primary schools, run by the grassroots movement ‘ResearchEd‘.

It was a fast paced event of short presentations from people at various stages of the research journey. With such interesting insights being shared, and knowing time would get the better of me before I managed to write them up after the event, I got back to the live blogging after a few months hiatus.

Here are my write ups of the four main talks. They range from the insights from Carl Hendrick’s developing role as research lead at Wellington College, to Jon Brunskill’s take on engaging with research early in a teaching career, via Kate Atkins’ whole school take on research in a large primary school and Matt Walker’s run down of NFER resources for research engaged schools.

It was a fascinating event, and there seems to be a really healthy mix of ambition and pragmatism in the growing movement for research engaged schools. In an area that has sometimes in the past been depicted as being ‘top down’ and disconnected, these were four very authentic and empowerd takes on the role of research in the education of children.

Becoming a research engaged school #ResearchEd @C_Hendrick

Why should primary schools be engaged in research? @Jon_Brunskill #researched

Research makes education better @kateatkins33 #researched

How research engaged is your school? Matt Walker, NFER #researched

Photo Credit: scalefreenetwork via Compfight cc







2 responses to “What place for research in primary schools? #ResearchEd Primary London”

  1. […] What place for research in primary schools? #ResearchEd Primary London. […]

  2. Bashir Ahmad Avatar

    I think it is very important to engage with research early in a teaching career it helps a lot to explore new ideas and every teacher should have to do the same it will definitely increase the level of understanding of students and they can easily learn new things

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