Flipped Learning research published

BackflipFor the last 18 months I’ve been working on a Nesta and NFER project to explore the impact of flipped learning in secondary level Maths. This week we published our research.

We found some really interesting things, including the opportunities and barriers that can affect the approach. I was particularly fascinated by the way different teachers assimilated the approach into their professional identities, no doubt I’ll have more musings on this to write soon.

There is a lot of education research produced, and it often takes a lot to digest it and turn it into classroom practice that can make a difference to young people tomorrow. Although I thought the research we came up with will be of interest to policy makers, academics and those with an interest in studying education, we wanted to create something more actionable for teachers.

Therefore, as well as the research report, we’ve distilled the research backed findings into a practitioner guide to flipped learning. This is designed to help schools plan for trials and roll outs of such an approach and create the most fertile ground for it to take root and to succeed.

You can read the research report, practitioner guide, and Khan Academy curriculum materials over on the Nesta site:

We also held a launch event this week discussing different approaches to flipped learning in schools across the UK. I’ve written up some of the discussion here:
Image CC BY NC jb-london


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