Category: Ed Tech
Coding or Programming: Just semantics?
The digital education bugbear
Digital learning technology: Gaps in the discourse
An analysis of the difference between research advocates & digital enthusiasts.
How do schools buy digital technology?
Results from a survey of teachers & school leaders
Education Technology or Technology Education? Can computers make an impact in schools?
The second part of my response to the OECD report on computers in schools
Ignore the headlines – computers in classrooms are a good idea, and here’s why
A response to the commentary on the latest OECD education report
Unlocking potential in the classroom: How digital technology can transform learning outcomes
My chapter in this Ark Schools & King’s College London book on future directions in schools.
‘The Visible Classroom’ EdTech for CPD evaluation published
Using real time speech to text transcription for professional development.
Are we stuck with generic tech? #28daysofwriting
On the problem with writing on a screen designed for movies.
Sprinting #28daysofwriting
Keeping focus in a complex world.
Is the next big thing in Ed Tech a business model?
The challenges of selling to schools