It’s clear from my recent work with schools that many school leaders and teachers face challenges with procuring and implementing technology. Identifying challenges is easy, figuring out which ones are the most pressing across the schools system is much harder.
I’m keen to understand how acutely those working in schools across the UK feel the challenges I’ve identified. I’m also keen to try out an unusual way of doing this using the comparative judgement tool designed to change the way teachers assess work: ‘No More Marking‘.
To do this I need some help from teachers and school leaders to give their feedback on the challenges, it should take no more than a few minutes, and less than most surveys.
Please only complete if you are a teacher or school leader, or have been in such a role in the last two years. This really is about getting the view from the ground.
If you are willing to help, please do the following:
- Follow this link to my No More Marking setup:
- Sign up, I won’t use your email or details for anything other than allowing you access to the service.
- You will be presented with two challenges, click the one you think is a greater challenge for you and your school.
- Repeat for the rest of the challenges that will be presented to you.
- All done, check back here for the results.
*Please be aware you will see the same statements more than once, judging them against a different statement. This is deliberate and part of how comparative judgement works.*
I’m looking forward to finding out what areas people rate as most challenging, and how universal the feelings on this are. If you are interested too then head over to the survey and have your say…
Photo Credit: Roberto Robitz via Compfight cc
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