Google Teacher Academy UK: Final Reflection (#gtauk)

The cliche can’t be avoided, it really does seem like yesterday that I was at Google’s London HQ on the two days of intense learning and information overload that was #gtauk. I have already reflected on the experience of the academy itself, as well as sharing some of the ‘cool technology things I learned’.

The time has come around to reflect on the process as a whole, and this has been much more than the education we received in Google tools. The first great result of the process has been the chance to get to know and converse with so many educators using technology in an innovative way. Whether it has been through twitter, the Google group, or other means I have learned so much about ways people have bee using Google tools to facilitate great learning experiences.

The Google group itself has been a very useful resource, and a place for sharing what Google certified teachers have been achieving across the world, even beyond the cohort that I was certified with. I have become a bit of a ‘Maven’ for ideas around google tools, and many times have been able to provide colleagues and contacts with solutions from this knowledge. Both the academy and the community have provided me with ideas for settings well beyond my own school.

This has fed well into the second result of google certification, which is that I have been asked to support a number of colleagues and settings in their use of technology. This has been both other schools, and my local authority, whom i have been working with on strategies to encourage ’21st century’ learning across the city.

So, on reflection, the Google teacher academy has facilitated both an in depth knowledge of technology innovations, and a wealth of connections both within and beyond the ‘Ed-tech’ community. Through a combination of these I have been involved in some exciting work, from presenting to inspire newly qualified teachers in my city, virtually sharing in depth ways to use Google docs, or supporting staff to embrace collaborative technology and search skills.

I have no doubt that this type of work will continue, as I will continue to learn from and contribute to the community around Google Teacher Academies as this community grows to become even more worldwide.


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