Embedding 21st Century technologies presentation

A short interview with me, and some of my class’ work have been used in this presentation by Neil Hopkin at the National College, and on the Manchester University PGCE course.

It’s great to see that some PGCE students are being encouraged to use web based tools. During my own training only last year ICT was presented in a very Web 1.0 way. I think this was partly because many of the students did not appear confident even with that use of technology. However, I would argue that Web 2.0 tools are closer to those that people use in their everyday lives than ‘educational technologies’ such as interactive whiteboards and virtual learning environments. I would urge all trainee teachers to get on the web, get some ideas, and give them a go. After all, shouldn’t your training really about experimenting and exploring what works for you as a teacher? Unfortunately, due to the pressure of constant assessments and the model of measuring up to rigid standards rather than reflectively developing own practice, trying forward thinking approaches on placement can be difficult.

It’s great to see some trainees really diving in headfirst.





2 responses to “Embedding 21st Century technologies presentation”

  1. Tom Henzley Avatar

    Thanks for the mention!

    I definalty agree with everything you’ve said! Espec’ with regards to the pressure of constant assessments etc!

    It’s a shame we couldn’t have a presentation such as the one above delivered on our course- I’m sure everyone would benefit greatly from it!

    1. oliverquinlan Avatar

      I'm not sure everyone would decide to jump in the pool of forward thinking ICT use as a result of such a presentation, but I think it would challenge them to engage with the debate. There was too much conformity and too little debate on my PGCE course.

      Keep up with your great work Tom, you are streets ahead of where my thinking was in ICT this time last year!

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