
A /now page, inspired by this Derek Sivers article.

This page is for sharing what I am currently working on. Updated Feb 2024.

I’m working at Government Digital Service, the central department for supporting digital services across the UK government. I’m doing user research with a team creating a form builder to enable civil servants who are not digital specialists to build online forms for their services. The aim is to make easy, accessible forms for anyone who needs to provide information to access government services.

As side projects I’m also working on:

  • Producing electronic music as MentatI make melodic, emotive techno and have released on several record labels including my own.
  • Creating ambient soundscapes on YouTubeEno inspired generative music has always fascinated me, and I’ve been making algorithmic driven soundscapes designed as functional background music.
  • Occasionally writing on my blog and my newsletter. I’ve also been writing weeknotes on what I’m working on and up to each week.